Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Guardian

"So others may live", that's the US Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer's motto. Something that struck me. Yes, I finally went to watch The Guardian, albeit alone. But nonetheless, it's a good movie. Touching at the end, as well. Definitely will want to get this on dvd once it hits the stores, code 1 of course (nothing else for me). The Lakehouse as well, maybe around Christmas. Hmm, Christmas is coming once again, and it's time to get busy with the shopping and preparations for Christmas events. Lots of things to do right now, seems like my list of things to do just hit 10, of which half are on-going (9 if you exclude my social life :p). Looks like I better dig out my organiser; been keeping tabs of things in my head, which can make me muddled at times. Oh well. Will be glad for the end of the month, cos 3 things then can be struck off the list. Which leaves me more time to do other things, like study harder. Considering that I have like, 3 weekdays without lessons (2 if I count guitar on monday), I better make the full use of them. Better get a regular sleep pattern down as well; it's kinda eccentric for the last few weeks. Those who know me will understand this point :p Ok, enough rambling.

Thanks to those who were supportive of Serris. We somehow managed to get into the finals of the talentime. So have to decide whether to choose another song, or stick with the medley we did for the audition. Not the easiest song to play, especially since I don't use a pick. Still have the mark on my thumb from the audition and the practices.

Today was the first time I had class in the afternoon and then duty in the evening in church. Been a long day. Was late for duty as class ended at 5+. I guess this will carry on till February, when the class ends and preparations for mocks and exams commerce. Have to pray that somehow I will be able to get to church by around 6. Today was cutting it a bit too fine, as I got to church just about half an hour before service started. And sound today wasn't really that great, hiccups here and there. Hope it'll be better later in the morning. Supposed to go roller-blading as well, then dinner with family to celebrate Esther's and my birthdays. Kinda belated, as all our schedules kept clashing. Happens when the ladies in the house are working shifts, and my own schedule as well.

Watched a video recently about God's purpose for our lives. I guess we all have to seek out God for His purpose for our lives, cos if we go on our own way, somehow God will bring us back to His purpose and plan. For God has a plan for each of our lives, that's declared in Jeremiah 29:11. Have to hold on to this promise for my life. Wait upon Him and let Him build me up.

"In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3


At 12:31 am, Blogger s. said...

hey jon....:)) just dropping by.....:))

At 12:35 am, Blogger s. said...

take care kk?? God bless u always...


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