Friday, March 02, 2007


Slow down
2 words she said to me
Tea and coffee, a table for 2, and now...
She's found
Somebody else you know
It's so probable, people move on and...

I had
A kiss in the parking lot
She took pottery, her fingers move gently now
I stare
When she flips through the papers
Her headlines are poetry, and everything's cool...

Now I see her, I won't cry a single tear
I knew she was gone

I found
A hundred and eighty
Pictures of you and me in a faraway place when you
Lay down
The touch of your body
Comin' over me, my face in your hair

See I just heard, I didn't say a single word
I knew she was gone
It's over I will head on my way
And again...

Slow down
2 words she said to me
Tea and coffee, a table for 2 and now...
She's found
Somebody else you know
It's so probable, people move on...

See I just heard, I didn't say a single word
Now I see her, I won't cry a single tear
I knew she was gone
It's over, I will head on my way
And again...
- Gone, EIC

Can't believe 62 days just disappeared, just like that. Simply cannot concentrate on anything now, much less my revision. Spent the whole afternoon at Jon's cafe, crying over coffee and gazing out to the bay from the window, and playing random sad songs on the guitar there. Always very hard for me to handle such a thing. Sigh. Now this song keeps playing over and over in my winamp playlist. Don't really have any mood for other songs right now. Or anything else for the matter. Somehow have to find a way to look back to God once again...

"Give beer to those who are perishing, wine to those who are in anguish; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more." Proverbs 31:6-7


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