Tuesday, August 16, 2005

3rd Rehearsal

Just want to say thanks to everyone who have helped me over that issue, and that I'm grateful for the support and the understanding that was showed. Definitely will take measures to prevent the same mistakes from happening ever again. Want to thank God as well for the things He's done in my life, that I have such godly people around me. :)

Got a new job, albeit it's only for a few days. Recommended by Sean for one of his clients or something, doing data entry for a few days. Gonna be 6 bucks per hour, but oh well, it's better than nothing.

Headed down to eastpoint's starbucks to have a talk with Shawn earlier in the day. Sat there for 2 hours talking and sharing. Really grateful for his input and advice. Will have to treat him starbucks one day. He insisted on getting the drinks even though he's not working now. Thanks bro. ΓΌ

Went down to Epson's office after to submit my timesheet. Looks like it's gonna be another tight month ahead. Will have to commit more time to work. Which also means less time for church. Will have to ask the Lord to help me find a balance to it. Still looking for a ministry to serve. Might consider ushering, as it doesn't take up too much time on sundays, and I can leave for work after. Correct me if I'm wrong. Bumped into Brian and Jing Song at the office. Hung around and chatted with Clifford and Mary. Apparently, the office's gonna move to Harbourfront Tower 1 next month. Which means I'll have to submit my stuff there from then on. Heh, kinda enjoy the view of the harbour from the office windows. So nice scenary. Oh well, at least harbourfront will be more accessible for me. One direct train ride down. Got a bag and t-shirt from Mary, so did the other 2. Apparently they need to clear some stuff. Waiting for them to give me Photoshop Elements 2. Seems like there are some lying around, but can't get them yet. :(

Ate some laksa at suntec's kopitiam with the other 2, then headed to carrefour to walk around and bump into my mum. Seldom see her these days, as both her and my dad are usually asleep by the time I get home, and already out of the house by the time I get up. Seems so hard to spend time with family. Will have to try and build the relationships.

Guitar rehearsal was better than the last one, I think. Jason managed to pop by for this one, so that helped. Still have like 6 songs to go through, with 2 still unknown. We drafted a list of potential songs to go through for tonight's session. Hope to go through them and select the songs to fit the empty slots soon. One thing's for sure, I need to drink more water. And focus more on my playing and singing. And be able to face an audience. Will have to pray for courage to face crowds. Won't be easy. But I will trust in the Lord for everything.

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:3-5


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