Sunday, April 30, 2006

The 59th Street Bridge Song

Slow down you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Just kickin' down the cobble stones
Lookin' for fun and feelin' groovy

The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) - Simon and Garfunkel

I really like this song, too bad I can't find a video of them performing it on It's a really short and cute song, especially on Garfunkel's solo concert Across America when his son sang along with him, heh. Anyway, felt the lyrics really reflect what I ought to do now. I need to slow down and not move too fast. Or else my foot won't hear the end of it. That I need to relax more as well
and not worry so much about things in my life and get so tensed up all the time. Anyway, those who want to look at the full lyrics, can check out this site

Looking at Tim's blog yesterday, I thought of commenting on what he said, but sadly, somehow his comments box won't accept any input from me, and it's been like this for a couple of months now. So what I'll do is do an extract and comment on it here.
Is sex a very sacred thing? Why do most of us keep loyal to our partner while some don't bother with the loyalty factor? They say sex is fun yea but what about responsibility? They didn't bother with it. Its wrong to have sexual flings with some hot guy/girl you know. Or is it? How come its wrong? Who came up with that concept? The conservatives and the progressives argue it out.

Like this girl who runs the sarong party girl blog. She has no qualms about taking oth
er people's man citing that they can't keep the man so its their fault. Rite...if someone stole her private collections the thief wrong then? I don't have doubt that she'd be jumping up and down.....
"What's virginity? Its just a useless piece of flesh. I didn't know why I kept myself from the greatest pleasure...." From somewhere she mentioned before. Ya well...okay, I want to utter the word loose but what's the moral high ground going to argue this time? Why is it wrong? What's the logic? So its no wrong is it? BAh! What with uttering the name of God from the mouth while sinning with the hands? Stop lying to youself he implied.

"Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." Hebrews 13:4 Felt this might be a good verse to reflect on. I think it's quite clear from this verse about what will happen to people who do things like what was on Tim's blog. Tim, you reading this? God created sex to be enjoyed within the context marriage. It's something sacred that's to be known between a husband and wife only. Anyway, I don't really have the time now to go about looking for more references. This is the strongest one that I know of from the Bible. If anyone knows of any good ones, feel free to post in my comments section.

Anyway, it's been a busy week. Lady rain brought a lot more wet weather to this part of the world in the past week. Though there was a day of heat a couple of days back. So it brought about implications when I can't go to where I want, especially the library cos it's raining. And I don't usually bring an umbrella out unless it can't be helped. Saw a rainbow on friday after coming out of the library around dinner time. Tried to take it on my hp camera, but don't think it came out well. Have not really seen one for some time now.

This was taken in Taiwan when I was there for a month almost 3 years back. Notice the fainter rainbow above the main arch. Rather rare, I would think. A rainbow was originally God's promise never to flood the earth again. The Bible talks about the story of Noah's ark in Genesis 6-9. He sent flood waters to destroy the earth cos He saw how great man's wickness had become. So He chose to wipe out mankind, save Noah's family and 2 of every living creatures - one male and one female. Two of every kind of bird and of every kind of creature that moves on the ground. And the rains came down for 40 days and nights after the ark was built and it was written that the waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days (Genesis 7:24). God set a rainbow in the clouds to be the sign of the covenant between God and Noah and all the creatures of the earth. That whenever He brings clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, He will remember His covenant, that never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life; that He'll see the rainbow and remember His covenant. (Genesis 9:12-16)

Just want to thank God that incident I posted about in my last post came and went, that all's well. She said she forgot about it when I talked to her when I met up with her recently. Still, it's a reminder for me, that I should not do anything like that again. Certainly don't wish to hurt her or anyone else like this in the future. Now, I need to focus. Still praying for grace for my upcoming exams. Hope what I've studied and what I intend to go through will be enough.

"Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23


At 5:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 2:06 am, Blogger Jon said...

that is not by simon and garfunkel. oh well, maybe I should lend you across america. A really cute performance by garfunkel and his young son.


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