Sunday, June 17, 2007

I Felt You Near pt 2

Finally managed to settle Peiwen's com, which could not start up at all due to, which I suspect faulty memory channels. Cleaned up her ram modules and inserted them into the alternate channels, which solved her problem. Spent some time after that watching National Geographic on her plasma? tv (very nice) and just chit chatting. Then had to go church for MS, where Pastor Rony preached about anger management. Before he preached, he asked for a show of hands those who have not lost their anger before, that he'll like to give that person a kiss on the cheek. And a guy did come up! So he honoured his words. But seriously, think we all have to learn from that person, and control our anger. Just like God is slow to anger and abounding in love. And like what Pastor Rony says, we Christians can afford it, to not lose our anger.

Spent time in Jon's cafe with my guitar on Friday afternoon, despite that I was already awake for around 24 hours at that time. Wanted to do some songwriting. Decided to work on something I wrote back in March, a sort of poem called I Felt You Near. When I tried to accompany it with music, I felt that more verses needed to be written, which I did. Managed to put together a song in about an hour or so, though it might need further work.

A sadness, deep in my eyes
Troubled thoughts infinitely wide
Dazed living in lonesome company
Time sees to pass so slowly

Standing still, in this quiet room
Nothing else but this lonely chair
Sitting down, something caught my eye
A light shining like none other

Then I felt Your presence near me
Filling my heart with Your love
A lifetime of peace and joy to be found
The promise of Your Word

I find that I can't live without You
I need to hold on to Your light
Words cannot express what I feel inside
All I know is
I Felt You Near
- © Jonathan Chia, 15th June 2007

Somehow, when I sang it, it reminded me of another song, which I could not put my finger to. Jon thought it sounded like a cantonese song. As I tried to think about that other song something later, it just came to mind. Realised what I wrote sounded similiar to "I Simply Live For You", at least in some parts. That's why I mentioned above it might need further work. Chords were G, D, Em, Bm, C, G, Am, D.

Wanted to post this up before I head to bed. Kinda tired even though I've been awake for only 14 hours or so. Guess it's the 'jet lag' from the previous day. Well, it's gonna be a brand new day later. Called to be on standby to serve for the 11am service again, as well as for Friday, when Pastor Peter Chu comes to church. Should be able to, I think. Just have to wake up early in the morning to go to church. Want to leave you, my dear reader, with something to think about. That who are we, that God so loved that He came to the earth to die for our sins, that He cares to know each and every single one of us, that He cares to feel every single hurt we have, that He cares for our future, that He loves us so much despite our shortcomings and failures and our unfaithfulness to Him. That's God as He is, ever faithful, ever loving, and always there in every situation. Always, dear reader, be mindful of God's presence in your life, and always hold on to Him.

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8:3-4


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