Wednesday, July 04, 2007

He Cares

Just got to know this song last weekend during the worship service. Quite nice, and I love it. It's kinda touching, and it's such a simple song. Rather old though, according to Joyce when I asked if she has the song. Ah well. Actually thought of using it for worship leading this week if there's cell, but I can't seem to reach the key, even though it's in G. Other keys don't really appeal to me now cos they involve barre chords. Usually not a problem, but recently, I had to cut the nails on my right hand due to a chipped nail. Not to mention I cut away all the callouses on my left hand's fingertips. So it's like playing the guitar for the first time all over again. Ouch. Guess I'll have to play more to help speed up the growth of new skin :p

Wrote something "early" last night after watching A Good Shepherd. Nothing related at all to God, it's the title of a movie about the birth of the CIA. Usually I'm intrigued by such a movie. But somehow I got put off after watching the show. It really shows the dark side of men, what they'll do in their quest for power and more power. And one character in the show seem to put it aptly, when she mentioned "Men first, God second." I guess I'll stick to Spy Game. At least it's not as dark. But anyway, by the time I finished watching, it's already 2+am. I continued to stay up, pondering about something and got inspired to write a poem. Something that I've intended to for the last couple of days to encourage a friend who's going throught a difficult period of time right now, but did not manage to find the time or inspiration to do so. Only when I started to focus on God did these words that say that He cares for us come to mind. From there, I wrote the following.

He cares for you
He is never far away
Nail pierced hands
A thorn crowned brow
He's always thinking of you
His love shines bright
No matter the night
Think of Him
He is near

An island, one is not
Open doors, a corridor
Honest hearts, gave He does
Faithful and true
Always close

But perfect are we not
He is the One
Peace He gives
Your heart will receive
He cares for you
And never lets go
© Jonathan Chia 2007

I admit, it's been too long since I wrote any poetry. Getting really rusty at it. And kinda tired now as well. It's nearly 2am now and I got a 630am wake up call from my handphone's alarm clock.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:20


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