Sunday, July 08, 2007

Tanjong Gul bound

Ok, for those who don't know, I'm headed into some remote area of the island for 5 days of free food, lodging, sun, mud, and mosquitoes. Time to fulfill my duty to the nation and serve out these 5 days of in-camp training. Hope I won't get dengue. Cases on the rise recently. Hope to come back in one piece as well. Kinda unfit of late; have not really gone running as I should as I got sick the last few days. Kinda having a headache now, which has been lingering since the afternoon. And I wonder how I went through the tournament earlier. Ah well. Got a bit of extra cash now. Should come in handy in the next week.

For those who are reading this, keep me in prayer for the next week? Will appreciate it. Give me a buzz or sms at night if you need some company over the telephone. It can get get kinda boring inside, especially at night. I'm bringing in a couple of books and my bibles, but then I have a hunch the books will be finished really quickly. Guess I'll end here.


"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16


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