Thursday, August 09, 2007

The heart of a servant

Another slow day. Nothing much to do in the afternoon. Did receive a note from Noelle that she's on half day leave when I came back to the office after my day of leave yesterday. Finally some stuff to do, nothing much, but enough to occupy me till after lunch. Afterwhich it's back to reading news updates on the net, as well as checking on the latest developments on the Odex saga. Looks like anime in Singapore won't be the same again, thanks to the local distributor's antics. Sigh, bound to happen sooner or later I guess. Just hope I won't get the letter. Didn't really download much, at least not the animes listed among the licensed ones listed on their website. There are other sources, but I'm contented for now. Still got lots of original dvds and vcds lying in my cupboard to watch. Though it's bit too much and I'm contemplating selling some of them to make space for other stuff. Space is becoming a premium in my room, heh. Running out of good space to put my stuff. I'm a closet karang guni :p

Kinda disappointed with some of the things that are happening in the club. I guess things are beyond my control at the moment, and I'll have to see how things go. More or less, the new excos have taken over and have confirmed their new positions. I'll be taking over the mantle from Eliz, which is kinda expected I guess. I did open every single position available (short of the events coordinator role) to the rest, but they wanted me to take it. I'm praying now that I'll have the heart of a servant. To serve the other members who are placed in my responsibility. As a leader now, there are a lot of sacrifices to be made, which I've started doing for the last couple of months with all the planning and coordinating for the members and excos. I just hope that I will not fail any of my members or my excos, and learn from my past mistakes over the last few years in the various roles I've taken up for the club. And am glad for the current batch of excos. I know it's not easy for them to commit to the club, and I've been grateful. Without them, think the club will really have to close down. Also am grateful for their inputs during discussions. I tend to err more on the cautious side, which can really hinder things at times, so it's good to see the view points of others before making any decision.

Spoke to Pastor Rachel on sunday after the 7pm sevice over an issue I had and was glad I did. Am grateful for her godly advice. Just hope everything turns out ok. Still praying for wisdom for it. Basically, she told me to pray about it for a week, then see how I feel then. Just want to continue to seek God's Will in this, and press on. I don't really understand certain things at the moment, but just continuing to trust God.

"Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity." 1 Timothy 5:1-2


At 2:31 am, Blogger david c welker said...

Found your site searching under Matt Redman. Very cool blog. God bless !


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