Thursday, August 25, 2005

A virtual repeat of last night

Lunch was ok. Had nasi lemak and got some 'you tiao' and 'butterfly'. Chinese should know what I'm referring to. Rather heavy meal. Not to mention oily. Chalk up more unhealthy points for me. Maybe I should put up an ad, something like this: "WANTED: an exercise partner to go running with. Call to enquire."

Lazed around, reading the X-men novels I borrowed yesterday. Till I fell asleep for about an hour. Already 4+ when I got up. And I wanted to head to school early to do some practice on my own in the cold room. Shucks. Took a long shower, using the time to think and clear my head. Kinda fuzzy after my nap. Headed down to school after downing a can of red bull from 7-11.

Did manage a bit of practice on my own before time beckoned and had to buy dinner to eat outside 2.09. Was still in a bit of a daze then. Went through the worship still ok. Small group discussion, still ok. Only during the combined discussion that I started to phase out into semi-consciousness. Still awake, but not really processing much of what the others are saying. Just like last night. Sheesh... Stayed back with the others a bit while they chatted; I downed a cup of lemon tea and proceeded to lie my head on the table and get a bit of rest. Did chat with Addie and Yiyi as they came over. But didn't really say much as I was too exhausted. Headed home on 156 and felt a bit more energetic then. Not sure why. Used it to bury my nose in the novel again. And get myself another ramly burger when I got off ü. More unhealthy points for me. Where's my running partner?? Still no answers to my ad yet. Heh.. Better turn in early. Else, I'll have less energy to use later in the day. And that's not a good sign. I'll need all the energy I can get. Red bull blue power, anyone? Oh yeah. Prayer also! ü

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:28-31


At 5:16 am, Blogger Xinyi said...

I got a suggestion for u. Skipping is v convenient de.... can just do it at home anytime.......... and a skipping rope only costs 2 bucks tops.

But I suppose guys would fine it very girly. hahaha.

At 10:32 am, Blogger Jon said...

well, push ups and crunches are kinda free, lol. been doing pushups after shower almost everyday.
skipping isnt really girly. boxers do it all the time. but im not one lol. but thanks for the suggestion. will look it up ü


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