Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The first 2 days.

Nothing much over the last few days. Managed to attend sunday's service in full, during which Pastor talked about Why Is Life Unfair. I guess a lot of us have this question in our minds at one point or the other. Even me, during my earlier days when I just came back to the Lord. I didn't really know much then. Still growing in my walk, still learning. Something Joyce commented on the bus ride to clementi earlier today. That the day we stop growing is the day we die. Something that struck me deep down. Back to the sermon, Pastor continued on to say (or rather ask), why did God allow bad people to do bad things on good people? And who's the good, who's the bad? We essentially are "bad" in our own ways. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But the good news is, according to God's love and plan, all can be saved. According to God's love and plan, and not our own. (Someone pls enlighten me on which passage this is, thanks ü) Quoting from Proverbs 14:12 also, which talks about a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Religion is man's way to salvation; Christianity is God's way. Christ said in John 14:6 that He's the way, the truth and the life, that no one goes to the Father except through Him. Another point to note: He expects only constant progression, not instant perfection. Guess it reiterates the point I made earlier, that we are all constantly growing. If interested to find out more, talk to me ü

First 2 days of guitar lessons went smoothly. Good progression for the beginners class. Joshua's (the instructor) very patient, considering his experience in playing. Guess that comes with experience in teaching also, heh. Taught chords for Sun Yanzi's version for Hey Jude, and some song by Green Day earlier today. Really have to give thanks for the number that signed up for the classes: 17 for monday, 14 today. Monday's more than expected, which means I don't really have to sign up to top up the number. Still considering whether I should, though. Money's not the issue, rather what I can gain is. Will be helping out in both classes anyway, so maybe not now. Maybe when they start learning songs, then I'll sign up, heh.

Dinner as usual after the class ended. Popped by clementi to eat at mac with Eliz and Joyce. Then headed to the bank's auto lobby to settle some stuff. Big bookshop's next on our minds, more to get Joyce's print cartridge. Have not really seen many branches around lately. These days, it's more of Popular, which a visiting lecturer in my secondary 4 holiday english class termed "Unpopular". Lol. Browsed around also till closing time, also picked up a box of clips for my notes. Time to start sorting out my pile of notes lying beside my bed. Urgh.. Still got lots of newspaper articles I collected for the last few years lying around also, waiting to be sorted and pasted into my scrapbooks. Still have to hit my books. Time management will be essential. Help me, Oh Lord, to prioritise my time wisely.

"We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all" Isaiah 53:6


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