Monday, September 05, 2005

Sick and without a voice

Comex came and went. Personal sales weren't too bad, I guess. Looks like I'll have enough to pay back my dad and get my guitar. And be broke for the next couple of months. But it should be worth it. Been eyeing that guitar for the past year. Just have to wait till October to get it. On the other hand, I got sick after the 3rd day (saturday night) with a fever and slight throbbing in my head. Decided enough was enough with what I was doing then and went to crash on my bed. Already developed a sore throat from all the shouting due to opposing speakers from my booth and the Olyumpus booth facing us. They kept playing music loudly throughout the four days. Which made me consider whether should I lodge a complain or not. Customers all around also covered their ears when they were walking past the booth, so I'm not the only one with the same sentiments. Fever continued till the morning yesterday. Actually thought of not going to work, but decided it's just one more day. Managed to lose the headache during work and the fever went down, thank God, though I felt really weak throughout the day and had to lean on boxes around me several times to maintain my balance.

Work ended late due to the logistics people coming in late with the boxes we need. Some of the lights in the exhibition hall were already turned off and we were sitting there waiting. Me, Brian, Judy and Danny stayed back to help another hour till 11.30pm then shared cabs home, courtesy of cab vouchers supplied by Valerie. Think of it as a blank cheque for taking cabs :Þ

Received a call from Xinyi regarding her computer just before the final debriefing after work. Seems like her com's hit by a virus and can't boot up properly. Only managed to find time to talk it through with her after I got to my block and was climbing the stairs to my floor. Suggested that she boot up using the Norton cd she has. Oh well, couldn't really help much. Apparently a friend of her mum popped by her place to solve the problem earlier this morning.

Nothing much to do now. Don't really feel like hitting the books just yet. Still waiting for 3pm to come so that I can go through with fixing my timetable for the next year. Jiayan smsed me this morning that Soci's repeat class is on saturday morning -_-" Just hope that there'll be another class available on another day as it'll clash with work on the weekends. Hmm, guess I'll pop in a movie to watch. Need to relax for a while. Been putting a lot of stress and pressure on myself mainly due to the performance next week. Still got some issues to sort out. Hope the recording later tonight will go well.

"Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.' " Matthew 28:18-20


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