Saturday, November 19, 2005

Baby socks and silica gel to the rescue

It's really really really humid today, not to mention the rain, which sent my guitar case's hygrometer into a one way ride to a high 70%ish humidity level, and remained around there for most of the day. Did put in a bit of fresh gel in the morning before I left for school, but all of it turned pink by mid day. Kinda shocked to find out that the ones already in the case were already pink. Guess I should have been more vigilant about taking care of my baby. Weiqiang helped a lot when he spared me some gel during cell group. Don't think my guitar could have survived the night otherwise. Just put in fresh ones into the baby socks Jasmine helped me to get a couple of days back.

Been a tiring week, though it's cos I'm slacking too much at night and sleeping at wee hours doing nothing but reading and pouring over articles on the net. Should be burying my nose into my notes and books, but yet to find the will and focus to do so. More of a last minute person in doing things, heh. But that won't do in this course. Someone drag me to study, please.. Anyone..

Chalet at the beginning part of the week was fun to say the least, though I had to leave just after the first night. Basically just played games most of the night with them. Have not really done this since like, last year. Fun while it lasted though, the last 4 years. Too bad the game's dying and only left with us and a handful outside of us.

Product training at harbourfront for the new range of photo printers. Anyone interested to buy? Should be out by next weekend. Can't say it's cheap, but hey, it's good quality. And you pay for what you get. ΓΌ Finally got the Blessed dvd from Mount Zion earlier before I went for the training. And got myself a free year's membership for 10% discounts in the process. Can't wait to watch it. Maybe later in the day after the treetop walk. Gonna be a busy weekend even when i'm not working. Need to find time to rest and just be with the Lord. Hope to be able to do that in the next couple of days. That's what the sabbath is for.

"Then Jesus looked up and said, "Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me" John 11:41-42


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