Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Sigh. Just when I thought I had a good start to the week, another bombshell just dropped into my lap. Apparently, I did not meet the pre-requisites for one of the subjects I'm currently taking at the moment. So now I'm stuck.. This subject, Corporate Finance, needed economics and maths. And I only took economics (was given a choice between maths/stats and econs) during my first year. Which made me puzzled back in September when I was registering my units for the academic year, that CF appeared in the list of choices in the system for my electives. Calling my course coordinator, she mentioned the requirements expanded to include principles of sociology and economics. So I registered for it, as out of the four options I had for my last elective (HRM, LBO, CF and ESAP), it's the only one that's quantitative in nature. It's only when I registered with London and received my package containing my study guides that I noticed that the guide for CF wasn't in it. Emailing London, I received a reply that the requirements for the subject DIDN'T change at all, that it requires economics and maths, and nothing else... Sigh.. I really have not idea what to do now. My classification for honours is already on the edge due to one condoned unit in the form of my management unit, that I will be classified based on 11 units. Now it looks like I may just be classified based on 10, the bare minimum. Not a very pleasant scenario I want to be in..

I'm beginning to really dislike the school's administration. My course coordinator is really really hard to get hold of on the phone, and there's still no reply to the email I sent on monday regarding this issue. Just sent another one, so I hope there'll be a reply soon. Else I may just be forced to take drastic measures, including legal advice. I don't think it's fair to me in this case, since it's not my fault. May have to change to another subject, or postpone (again!) my graduation by another year, both of which I'm not keen on, as it's already 2 months into the semester and I'll have to rush a lot to catch up if I were to change to another subject. Keep me in prayer, my dear reader. Will need a lot of it at the moment as I resolve this issue. Looks like the only bright sparks for the rest of the year for me will be playing guitar for Ben's and Liyen's wedding, and possibly speedlight camp. Other than these 2, well, don't think there will be much to cheer about, unless something really surprises me. Only the quiet joy of the Lord sustains me, and that may just be enough.

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging." Psalm 46:1-3


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