Foam rose and bouquet business
Ok, I've officially dipped my hand (and fingers) into the foam rose business. Not sure who else out there is my competitor, but I do know that I need to get awareness out. Comment so far from a stranger who rode the NEL with me on Thursday night is that these look very real :)
This is the result of a tutorial by Adrian for making a bouquet. Kinda different from what I've observed from the previous years when I was doing this for the club.
Anyway, bouquets start at $7 for a bouquet of 3, $12 for bouquet of 6, $16 for 9 roses, and $24 for 12 stalks. Each stalk in the bouquet will be wrapped in netting, and pink and purple crepe paper will be used to wrap the bouquet. Variety of colours for the stalks are available as well, from pink, red, yellow, blues, lavender, and more. See my previous post for examples of available colours. These are good as gifts for valentine's day, or just about any occasion. Single stalks are great for friendship day gifts, whether you are a guy or gal, single or attached. Stalks are $1.50 each. Will post up shots of individual stalks later so you can select your preference. These can be mixed and matched for bouquets as well. And these roses will never wither and die. So do let me know if you are interested, or know of anyone who's interested. Cash on delivery to any mrt station. Within SIM as well :)
*Edit* Forgot to add instructions on how I can be contacted. Interested buyers can drop me an email at Please include your name, contact number, number of stalks and colour, whether you'd like to make a bouquet, and when you'll like to collect and at which location. For delivery on valentine's day, do let me know at least a week in advance so I can prepare my schedule :)
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
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