Closing of SAC
It's gonna be gone. The Singapore Art Cafe in the Esplanade Library, I mean. It's been a while since I started hanging out there. It serves good food, the boss' great, and there's a stage for music. Like tonight, where there's a chinese open mic. Supposed to meet Kace here tonight, but he pulled out at the last minute as he has something urgent to attend to. Music's not bad so far, but I may not stay on till closing time, as I want to have dinner elsewhere.
Did consider performing here before, in the past, with Serris or with Yong'an, but guess that's out of the question now. The official closing day is tomorrow, but there's still a last open mic on Friday, but won't be able to make it then as there's Reachlight.
Penned something down on Sunday to reflect some thoughts about the closing. Was deciding which title to head the words, but chose "Gone" as the one. The other one in mind was "Closing Time", which I actually contemplated writing as well, but in the end, I couldn't find any more inspiration in me to write it.
Can't believe it'll be gone
Fond memories the years through
Tears of sadness I once shed
Staring out the bay
While comfort you shared
And the joys
Fireworks through the windows
Long past closing hour
The music you love
A little corner
Music of dreams
A journey's start for many
Now gone
But as memories last
It'll forever be
The journey in our hearts
I'll continue with the diary I kept in Japan in the next round. Library's gonna close soon. Ciao for now.
EDIT: Managed to take a couple of shots with Jon when I went down on Thursday to meet Ben for lunch and to chill out before cell started.
So Jon, here's to you. If you are reading this, just want to say thanks for everything. For your kindness, your hospitality, your sharing, and most importantly, the friendship you freely give. Will miss you and the cafe. All the best in whatever you do, and God bless you always!
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20