Sunday, January 08, 2006

Walk With Me

First post of the new year. Been a busy few days, as I try to make sense of my articles that I need to read for my ISDM, and my notes for my other subjects. Performance preparations went up a gear as the planning is almost almost ALMOST finalised. Just left with some bits here and there to tweak before bringing it up to the rest of the excos again and finally submitting to the admin to approve. Praying hard for this to be a successful event, as it's gonna be the first time we are organizing something like this, and I hope to make it memorable.

My mp3 player's battery died on me recently. Which resulted in 2 trips down to Creative Care in Jurong to find out what's wrong (before I knew it was the battery problem). Imagine the frustration at it all, not to mention the trip down. Sengkang isn't really next door to Jurong East.. At first, the software hanged, resulting in a 1-1 exchange for a new player (everything in it's gone, including every recording in the player: lectures AND rehearsal recording T_T). Tried to backup before then, and the staff who attended to me was kinda sympathetic and lent me a cable to try and backup to a com in the area. Which unfortunately can't be done cos of the hanged software. Sigh, what can I do.. Sorry guys. Promised to upload the rehearsal recordings for the performance into an email account. Guess we'll have to start all over again. Have to fork out $70 to get a new battery. Any kind soul out there who can spare me a loan? I'll return asap, right after my check clears sometime next week.

Been getting addicted to the song Walk With Me, by Caedmon's Call. It's very nice, with a nice rhythm to it. Will be playing it for the performance, with Joyce on vocals and Sebastian backing up on guitar as well. Hope it'll sound nice.

"Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains." James 5:7


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